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Call or Text:
Nashua Office: 603-882-0311
Milford Office: 603-673-1330

COVID-19: We Now Have a Full Complement of Doctors, Staff & Appointment Hours

As of June 1, 2020, Focused Eye Care is again open for all eye care and optical needs, with our full complement of doctors and staff working regular hours to see existing and new patients. We are fully open, of course, still in accordance with health and safety guidance from the CDC and the State of New Hampshire.

As a  result, we are still maintaining safety and social distancing protocols that require us to limit the number of patients that we can see on any given day. Please also be aware that we are, to some extent, playing “catch up,” as many of our patients who were scheduled to see us during the period from mid-March through May are being rescheduled now.

We appreciate your patience as we get all appointments back into some semblance of normal order. With that in mind, we ask that you consider the following:

  • If you do have an eye emergency, by all means call us, at 603-882-0311, and make arrangements to come in as quickly as possible.

  • Appointments that are medically indicated will have priority over routine exams, We are making every effort to attend to patients with glaucoma, pink eye, macular degeneration, dry eye, diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions that should be treated and/or monitored quickly.

  • If your appointment is of a routine nature, please be aware of the efforts, listed below, that we continue to employ for the safety and health of both patients and staff  – they may contribute to a slightly different experience than you are used to at Focused Eye Care.

  • If you are expecting to pick up glasses, contacts, or vitamins and other items we keep in stock, we would still appreciate advance notice so that we can have your items ready when you arrive, reducing your waiting time and allowing us to effectively continue to maintain social distancing protocols in our waiting areas.

Everyone at Focused Eye Care continues to take extraordinary steps to make sure our patients, staff and doctors stay safe and healthy as we progress toward more normal times. First among these is the wearing of a mask / face covering, which is currently required by the City of Nashua, and has been a requirement at our practice from the onset of the emergency situation. (see more below)

Our other continuing efforts on everyone’s behalf include:

  • We are seeing fewer patients than we normally would, even with a full complement of doctors and staff, in order to maintain social distancing, and to allow extra time to disinfect exam rooms and equipment between appointments.

  • Our door is locked, but the sign on the door says “Our door is locked but we are open”.  Please call or text us when you arrive, at 603.882.0311 – we continuously monitor voice and text to our phone lines.

  • As a quick precaution, we are taking everyone’s temperature, using non-contact thermometers, when entering the practice.

  • As stated above, masks / face coverings are required in the office.  If you arrive without a mask, one will be provided to you, but we strongly suggest that you arrive wearing the mask / face covering that you are most comfortable wearing.

  • The ongoing absence of coffee service, magazines, children’s toys and other non-critical convenience items from the waiting areas.

  • Wiping down all waiting areas, the optical shop and exam rooms several times a day, with special wipes that are stronger than alcohol wipes.

  • Cleaning our hands with hypochlorous acid, which is much stronger and more effective than Purell and other OTC disinfectants.

  • Choosing glasses is currently by appointment only, as we want to allow you to pick out the frames that are perfect for you without feeling rushed in any way, while we also maintain social distancing protocols in the optical shop. If you arrive to the optical shop without an appointment, we will try to make time and space for you, but cannot guarantee it – it is best if you contact us ahead of time to make an appointment.

  • We are sanitizing all eyeglasses frames that have been handled before returning them to the displays.

  • For those patients who prefer, we will continue to offer curbside dispensing of glasses, as well as curbside adjustments and repairs.

  • Telehealth services will continue to be available, as appropriate.

We will continue to update information about the evolving situation here on our website, on our Facebook, Instagram and Google Business pages, and through patient communication. Of course, you can always call or email us.

We will continue to do all we can to keep you safe and healthy. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Your Focused Eye Care Team