Category Blog

How Do Animals See?

Human eyes are amazing, but there are some eyes in the animal kingdom that are pretty impressive too. Let’s look at a few of the most powerful eyes in nature and find out what makes them work so differently from…

Comprehensive Eye Exams and Education

Name five things you would expect to find in every school nurse’s office. Was the big E eye chart on your list? That’s the Snellen chart, named after Herman Snellen, a 19th-century Dutch eye doctor who developed it, and it’s…

The Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

Eating carrots is supposed to improve our eyesight, right? That’s actually a leftover idea from a British propaganda campaign during World War II. The British wanted to keep their newly developed radar technology a secret from the Germans, so they…

New to Glasses? Here’s Why They Rock.

Starting to wear glasses can be a big change for kids. They may often be tempted to leave their glasses at home instead of wearing them to school, even if that comes at the expense of hours of squinting and…

Cataract Treatment Across History

The world’s leading cause of blindness has always been cataracts. Naturally, treatment has come a long way. In the US alone, over 20 million adults over the age of 40 will develop cataracts. By age 80, half of all US…

Fireworks and Common Sense Eye Safety

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Independence Day celebrations? Most likely, you thought of fireworks. They are certainly a dazzling and exciting part of the festivities, but they can also be a serious hazard…

What Sunglasses Do for Your Eyes

Summer is almost here, and that means longer days with more sunlight! We tend to spend more time outdoors in the warm summer months, which exposes our eyes to more sunlight and the harmful UV rays that come with it.…

Battle of the Sexes: Eye Health Edition

You might be surprised how different vision and eye health can be between men and women. For instance, men are more likely to sustain a sight-threatening eye injury than women, but women are more vulnerable to a variety of eye…

Germs Can Infiltrate the Body Via the Eyes

Do you have a habit of rubbing your eyes? It’s the kind of thing we tend to do without really noticing whenever we’re tired, our eyes are itchy or dry, or we get something stuck in them. It’s an automatic…

The Eyes-Headaches Connection

Uncorrected vision problems can lead to symptoms you might not expect, like frequent headaches. If you deal with a lot of headaches, scheduling an eye exam would be well worth your time, even if only to rule a vision problem…