

Dr. Catherine Johnson Joins Focused Eye Care

Expertise in Pediatric Optometry Expands Services for Young Children “Children’s vision and eye health has always been a top priority at Focused Eye Care,” said Dr. Sarah Jagatic, O.D., a partner of the practice. “With Dr. Johnson on board, we…

The Impacts of Smoking on Eyesight

A smoking habit damages every organ and system in the body, including the eyes. We typically think of lung cancer as the main health risk associated with smoking, and then maybe oral health problems next, but the parts of the…

Why Do We Have Different Eye Colors?

Blonde Baby resting on Mom's shoulder

Melanin, the same compound that determines skin and hair color, is also responsible for different eye colors. Melanin helps to protect the eye by absorbing light (including some UV light) that hits the iris, which is the part of the…

The History of Corrective Lenses

Young woman and man wearing round glasses leaning against a blue house

People have been using tools to help them see clearly since at least 60 A.D. Roman philosopher Seneca is recorded to have used a glass globe of water to magnify text, while Emperor Nero would use a magnifying emerald to…

How Sleep and Vision Intersect

Young girl with head on hand sleeping

Sleep deprivation hits the body and mind a lot like alcohol, but how does it affect our eyes? Getting enough sleep is great for our overall health and our eye health alike. At the other end of things, we can…

Caring for Our Eye Health As We Age

Two Asian men with glasses

Our eyesight, among many other things, tends to change as we get older. For any serious changes, it’s critical to get an early diagnosis. Many sight-threatening conditions that are associated with advancing age are combatted best by being discovered in…

How Often Do We Need Eye Exams?

Most dentists will recommend a cleaning and dental exam twice a year, but how often do we need our eyes checked? It’s as important to get preventative care for our eyes as for our teeth, and that means getting eye…

How Do Animals See?

Human eyes are amazing, but there are some eyes in the animal kingdom that are pretty impressive too. Let’s look at a few of the most powerful eyes in nature and find out what makes them work so differently from…

Comprehensive Eye Exams and Education

Name five things you would expect to find in every school nurse’s office. Was the big E eye chart on your list? That’s the Snellen chart, named after Herman Snellen, a 19th-century Dutch eye doctor who developed it, and it’s…

The Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

Eating carrots is supposed to improve our eyesight, right? That’s actually a leftover idea from a British propaganda campaign during World War II. The British wanted to keep their newly developed radar technology a secret from the Germans, so they…