Order Contacts | Insurance | Patient Portal | Offers | Call or Text Nashua Office: 603-882-0311 | Milford Office: 603-673-1330 

Call or Text:
Nashua Office: 603-882-0311
Milford Office: 603-673-1330

COVID-19 – We Are Here for You

Because of continually evolving conditions and official directives dealing with the COVID-19 situation, everyone at Focused Eye Care is taking extraordinary steps to make sure our patients, staff and doctors stay safe and healthy during this extraordinary time.

Our efforts on everyone’s behalf include:

  • Reducing the number of patients we see, to maintain social distancing, and to allow extra time to disinfect exam rooms and equipment between appointments.
  • Temporary removal coffee service, magazines children’s toys and other non-critical convenience items from the waiting areas.
  • Wiping down all waiting areas, the optical shop and exam rooms several times a day, with special wipes that are stronger than alcohol wipes.
  • Cleaning our hands with hypochlorous acid, which is much stronger and more effective than Purell and other OTC disinfectants.

You can confidently keep your appointment at Focused Eye Care, but we have also had to shorten our hours (see the footer on this page) and reduce the number of doctors working at any given time, so if you don’t absolutely need to see us right now, we ask that you reschedule.

In order to follow CDC guidelines and other health directives, we cannot be available for all the patients we usually see in a day. So we ask that if your appointment is not medically indicated or of an emergency nature – if your appointment can wait a couple of weeks or a month, until the COVID-19 crisis passes – we’d be very grateful if you take just a moment to reschedule.

  • If you are expecting to pick up glasses, contacts, or vitamins and other items we keep in stock, and your need is truly immediate, call us, let us know, and we can make arrangements to handle that need with a minimum of inconvenience. Otherwise, please wait.
  • If you do have an eye emergency, by all means call us and make arrangements to come in as quickly as possible.
  • If your appointment is medically indicated, please keep it – we are making every effort to attend to patients with glaucoma, pink eye, macular degeneration, dry eye, diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions that should be treated and/or monitored quickly.

We will update information about the appointment situation as it changes, on our website, Facebook page and through patient communication. Of course, you can always call or email us.

With your help, our efforts to maintain both your eye health and your general health should result in everything returning to normal with minimal disruption. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.