Germs Can Infiltrate the Body Via the Eyes

Do you have a habit of rubbing your eyes? It’s the kind of thing we tend to do without really noticing whenever we’re tired, our eyes are itchy or dry, or we get something stuck in them. It’s an automatic response to try to alleviate the issue. The trouble is that it’s likely to do […]
The Eyes-Headaches Connection

Uncorrected vision problems can lead to symptoms you might not expect, like frequent headaches. If you deal with a lot of headaches, scheduling an eye exam would be well worth your time, even if only to rule a vision problem out as a cause. Headaches aren’t always tied to vision and every vision problem doesn’t […]
Eye Safety in the Workplace

For Workplace Eye Wellness Month, we’re giving you a guide to protecting your eye health at work! Obviously, eye safety will mean something very different depending on the type of work you do. Working on a computer is very different from working at a worksite, so we’re dividing the tips into two categories; one for […]
Glasses Care and Contact Lens Safety

Glasses or contact lenses might be small, but they make a massive difference in our daily lives. Anyone who wears glasses or contacts (unless they’ve had them since they were toddlers) can remember what it was like to suddenly be able to see individual leaves and blades of grass when they started wearing them, and […]
Learning All About Heterochromia

Statistically, the first thing we notice about a person when we meet them is their eye color. An interesting pair of eyes can make a lasting impression, but the most unforgettable are probably the ones that don’t match. The scientific term for mismatched eye colors is heterochromia. It’s fairly common in cats and dogs, but […]
The Basics of AMD

For people age fifty and older, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of permanent vision loss. AMD is the gradual loss of central vision as the part of the retina with the highest concentration of photoreceptor cells (the macula, which is responsible for our detailed central vision) deteriorates. After it has progressed to […]
Tips for a Lifetime of Healthy Eyesight

Healthy eyesight is an important part of having a good quality of life. Up to one in every six adults struggles with a sight-threatening eye condition and many more than that experience a degree of vision loss as they age. Many of the major causes of blindness and low vision are connected to age, including […]
Recognizing Childhood Vision Problems

Healthy, functioning eyesight is incredibly important to a child’s education and development. That’s because as much as 80% of all learning is visual, and experts estimate that more than half of childhood learning difficulties are the result of undiagnosed vision problems. So what can parents do to make sure their child doesn’t experience the setbacks […]
Helping Child Vision Development

Did you know that babies have to learn how to see? It might seem strange, since using our eyes is something we do automatically all day, but babies need to develop a number of visual skills in order to effectively use their eyes and process what they’re seeing, just like they have to learn how […]
How Eye Color Works

Human eye color comes from melanin, the same compound that determines skin and hair color. Melanin absorbs light, even some UV light, which is important for the iris — the part of the eye that controls how much light enters the pupil. Melanin and Pigment Types There are two different types of melanin a person […]