Order Contacts | Insurance | Patient Portal | Offers | Call or Text Nashua Office: 603-882-0311 | Milford Office: 603-673-1330 

Call or Text:
Nashua Office: 603-882-0311
Milford Office: 603-673-1330

Our New Normal

With the pandemic now apparently in retreat, Focused Eye Care is now fully open and we have returned to normal operations. It’s a new normal, though, a little bit different from what you are used to, because dealing with COVID created some smart new habits for us.

The following update information is provided in order to help your visit with us go as smoothly and comfortably as possible.

When you arrive at the practice, you will now encounter a sign welcoming you to come inside. Upon entering, we ask that all visitors turn right and check in at Reception. This includes visitors to our Optical Shop. The left-hand Optical Shop door is now exit-only.

We are a healthcare facility – for everyone’s protection, masks must still be worn at all times when inside our facility. Please do not arrive at the practice without a mask/face covering. If you arrive without a mask, one will be provided for you before entering, but we think you will be most at ease wearing a mask with which you are already comfortable.

In the downstairs reception area, you will encounter a belt stanchion at the inside entrance to the Optical Shop, with a floor sticker in front of it. So that we can effectively manage traffic into the Optical Shop, we are asking that everyone wait until an Optician comes out to get you. If you arrive for any reason not related to a live doctor’s appointment, please let Reception know you are here, and then simply put your first name and reason for visit on the sheet located in the former ‘coffee station’ on the left before the Op Shop entrance.

We still follow stringent protocols for safety and disinfection, and you will notice that some items, such as the coffee station, magazines and children’s toys, have not returned to the Reception areas. Until the world gets an “All Clear” this is probably part of the new normal.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We continue to do all we can to keep you safe and healthy. We are also very happy that you continue to see us at Focused Eye Care, and hope that you will recommend us to family, friends, co-workers… everyone!


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